USA VPS Hosting

Enterprise-class server technology at affordable prices.

Enjoy fast connectivity, high performance, and low latency in the United States.

Create Your US VPS Server

With Kamatera’s strategically distributed data centers in Dallas, Miami, New York, Chicago, and Santa Clara, you can choose a high-performance location that will let you reach anywhere in the United States. 


Enjoy unparalleled control and scalability, with flexible pricing (only pay for what you use). Say goodbye to shared server limitations and enjoy unparalleled control, flexibility, and security with Kamatera’s USA VPS hosting. 

Blazing-Fast Server Speeds

We use cutting edge hardware, such as Ice Lake Processors and NVMe SSD, to deliver fast response times with 99.95% uptime.

Affordable Pricing from $4

Only pay for the services you need. Our flexible monthly and hourly pricing models allow you to keep your costs under control.

24/7 Technical Support

Our technical support specialists are available 24/7 so you can receive help when you need it.

Why Trust Kamatera’s US-Based VPS Hosting Services?

If you’re looking for US-based data centers from an established company with a strong track record in flexibility and reliability, Kamatera is the answer. Our comprehensive suite of solutions lets you scale up or down as needed with no long-term commitments. With our transparent pricing, you only pay for what you use. You can select the exact server configurations you need, so you don’t have to pay for unnecessary resources.

Kamatera prioritizes your data’s security with features like SOC 2 Type II compliance, top-ranked DDOS protection, and regular audits to identify vulnerabilities. If an attack occurs, our highly sophisticated disaster recovery solutions will safeguard your business operations from unexpected disruptions. 

With our US-based cloud VPS hosting services, you’ll find:

  1. Experience: Kamatera has been providing cloud infrastructure and VPS hosting solutions to clients worldwide since 1995.
  2. Flexible pricing: Only pay for what you use with our hourly or monthly pricing.   
  3. Cutting-Edge Technology: Kamatera utilizes the most current technology to deliver powerful, enterprise-class solutions. Run your server from the latest models of Intel Xeon Gold/Ice Lake processors, 2.7GHz+ with 99.95% uptime.
  4. 24/7 Support: Kamatera provides 24/7 customer support to assist you with all your VPS server issues and questions. Our technical support staff is always on duty, so you can get help when you need it.

US Data Centers

Atlanta, GA

A major growth sector for digital infrastructure in the Southeast.

Speed test

Chicago, IL

Extend your reach in the US from a central location with the advantage of reliability.

Speed test

Dallas, TX

Connect from a business-friendly Southern telecommunications hub.

Speed test

Los Angeles, CA

Get high-speed connections to California’s vibrant tech ecosystem.

Speed test

Miami, FL

An excellent option for targeting users in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Speed test

New York, NY

The city that never sleeps. Locate your VPS in one of the world’s top economic centers.

Speed test

Santa Clara, CA

In the heart of Silicon Valley, the recognized technology capital of the world.

Speed test

Seattle, WA

A West Coast connectivity hub with multiple undersea cable landing stations.

Speed test

Explore our marketplace of pre-configured apps and services

Ready to dive in? Start your 30-day free trial today. Get started

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you choose a VPS in the US?

Locating your server in a major hub for internet connectivity, with numerous data centers and network providers, means your VPS hosted there can benefit from robust network infrastructure and high-speed connections.

The US has a population of over 300 million people. Hosting your VPS in the United States places your apps or website close to this population, giving users in the US and surrounding areas, such as Canada and Latin America, fast loading times when engaging with your products.

What kind of users would benefit from hosting a VPS in the US?

Various users can benefit from hosting a VPS in the US, including:

US-based businesses: Small to large businesses headquartered in the United States or targeting US-based customers would find a US VPS advantageous. US-based hosting can provide reliable infrastructure, scalable resources, and access to a robust technical ecosystem, supporting the growth and expansion of the business.

Developers and IT professionals: IT staff and developers working with clients in the US can benefit from hosting client websites and applications on a US-based VPS. This ensures closer proximity to clients’ target audiences and facilitates easier collaboration and communication between development teams and clients. Our VPS environments also serve as excellent sandboxes for development, testing, and experimentation.

Companies requiring regulatory compliance: Businesses operating in regulated industries in the US, such as the healthcare, finance, and legal sectors, may need to host their VPS within the country to comply with specific data protection and privacy regulations.

Anyone seeking control and performance: Individuals who want more control over their hosting environment and better performance for their US-based clients, customers, and users should consider VPS hosting in the United States.

Will my data be secure on a USA-Based VPS?

Kamatera’s US VPS hosting is ideal for organizations that require high discretion and security. Apart from offering a secure virtual environment for operations, our US-based cloud services provide these advantages:
· Reliable and resilient cloud networks, which eliminate the risk of technical failures by collecting resources from the shared infrastructure
· Increased data privacy with adherence to US data protection regulations
· Energy efficiency by using shared electrical resources

Are VPS services based in the USA more expensive?

Cloud VPS services based in any of Kamatera’s eight strategically located data centers in the United States cost the same as servers in all the other geographic locations. There is no premium price for US-based locations.

What kind of customer support can I expect from Kamatera?

Kamatera offers global customer support that operates 24/7/365, catering to customers in all time zones. Our skilled and dedicated administrators provide enterprise-grade service to assist with any minor or major issues, delivering unbeatable response time, expertise, and commitment to all clients.

Customers can connect with us through calls, live chat, or email to get prompt solutions. For large enterprises requiring consistent support, we offer personalized service with a dedicated cloud administrator continuously monitoring and managing servers.

Is there a minimum contract period for Kamatera’s cloud VPS hosting?

Kamatera offers flexible billing plans that allow you to pay on a monthly or hourly basis, depending on your usage. If you only need a US VPS for a short-term period, you don’t have to pay for a full year. 

Do you accept resellers of your US VPS hosting services?

We offer a reseller program that allows individuals or businesses to resell Kamatera’s cloud services, including VPS hosting, cloud servers, and other cloud infrastructure solutions, to their own clients.
Kamatera’s reseller program is an ideal solution for companies that want to create a web hosting or managed cloud services business without having to deal with infrastructure setup costs and hardware maintenance.

Our technical team can support even your most technically complex hosting clients. Your customers will benefit from using our enterprise-grade cloud solutions while you focus on managing the relationships. The reseller program includes the ability to white label our services with your branding and logo and control your pricing and billing.

Does Kamatera offer managed services for their cloud VPS hosting?

Yes, we do! Kamatera’s managed cloud service is an add-on solution so you can enjoy the benefits of cloud computing without having to actively maintain a complex computing system.

We offer tailor-made solutions depending on your firm’s requirements. Our services can start with a single server setup and can cater to thousands of servers. Our Network Operation Center (NOC) maintains, supports, and monitors all the components of your cloud servers, including operating systems, databases, web servers, email servers, load balancers, firewalls, and other vital infrastructure to provide maximum uptime and availability.

Our solution eliminates the redundant tasks of cloud management, providing an expert team that offers efficient, reliable, and readily available services. Our clients are assigned professional account managers who specialize in managing cloud infrastructure, freeing up their internal IT teams to focus on core business activities. 

What is the payment method for Kamatera’s cloud VPS hosting services?

Our system accepts credit/debit cards issued by your local bank branch with a cardholder’s name. We also accept payments through PayPal. We do not accept virtual, prepaid, or electronic cards.

You can use the Kamatera pricing calculator to select the exact server specifications you need and find out how much you can expect to spend.

Upon signing up, a $1 to $2 charge is initiated to verify the validity of your credit card. This charge will be promptly voided within one business day. The purpose is to confirm the authenticity of your payment method.

How long will it take to deploy my Kamatera server in the US?

The deployment time for your Kamatera server in the US can vary depending on several factors, including the specific configuration you’ve chosen, the current workload of Kamatera’s infrastructure, and any additional customizations or setup requirements.

In general, Kamatera provides deployment times in minutes for their cloud servers. Typically, the deployment process involves provisioning the server resources, setting up the operating system and necessary software, and configuring network settings.

If you need help setting up your server at any point in the process, it is available.  We pride ourselves on providing round-the-clock support for all your technical needs.

How do I choose which US data center to use?

Choosing the most appropriate US data center depends on your specific needs and priorities. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Your Target Audience:
East Coast: If your target audience is primarily located on the East Coast, choosing our New York data center will offer lower latency and faster loading times for your website or application.
West Coast: Similarly, if your target audience is mainly on the West Coast, the Santa Clara data center would be ideal.

Nationwide: If you have a nationwide audience, any of the eight data centers in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Santa Clara, or Seattle would be suitable.

2. Compliance Requirements:
If your business is subject to specific data residency regulations, choose a data center located in a state that complies with those regulations.

3. Disaster Recovery:
While all five data centers offer high reliability, consider choosing geographically separate locations for added disaster recovery protection.

4. Network Performance:
Kamatera provides network performance statistics for each data center on the system status page. Use Kamatera’s online ping tester to measure latency from your location. These metrics will help you choose the location with the best performance for your needs. 
Remember, the best data center for you depends on your unique circumstances. By carefully evaluating your needs and priorities, you can choose the Kamatera US data center that best suits your business.

What operating systems are available for deployment on Kamatera’s cloud VPS?

Kamatera offers a wide range of operating systems for deployment on our cloud VPS hosting platform. These operating systems cover a variety of Linux distributions as well as Windows options, providing flexibility for different use cases and preferences.
You can install any of the following operating systems or bring your own license or custom operating system:
Rocky Linux

Can I scale my cloud VPS resources up or down as needed?

Yes, you can easily scale your Kamatera cloud VPS resources up or down at any time. Kamatera offers flexible scaling options that allow you to adjust your server’s resources to match your changing requirements. This can be done with a few clicks through Kamatera’s easy-to-use console.

Scaling up involves increasing your VPS resources, including CPU, RAM, and storage, to accommodate higher traffic, increased workload, or additional applications. Scaling down involves reducing your VPS resources when you no longer need as much capacity. This can help optimize costs and ensure that you’re only paying for the resources you actually use.

Kamatera’s scaling options make it easy to adapt your cloud VPS environment to meet your evolving needs, whether you need to accommodate sudden spikes in traffic, support new projects, or optimize resource allocation for cost efficiency.

In what locations are VPS servers available to deploy?

Kamatera has data centers globally distributed in strategic locations, so you can provide faster loading times and a smoother user experience, anywhere your users are logging in from.

VPS servers are available in the following locations:

United States: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Santa Clara, and Seattle
Canada: Toronto
Europe: Stockholm, London (UK), Madrid, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and Milan
Asia: Israel and Hong Kong