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Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for collecting and analyzing metrics from various systems, services, and applications. It is widely used in the field of DevOps and system administration to gain insights into the performance and health of software systems, infrastructure, and applications.


Prometheus is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and is widely adopted in the cloud-native and container orchestration ecosystems, such as Kubernetes, making it an integral part of modern application monitoring and observability stacks.

Price Calculator

Prometheus monitoring and alerting solution installed and ready to use on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS

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$12,00 /hour

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the system requirements for deploying Prometheus?

Below are general guidelines for system requirements for deploying Prometheus:
Operating System:
Prometheus is designed to run on Unix-like operating systems. Common choices include Linux distributions (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian), but it can also run on macOS.

The CPU requirements depend on the number of targets and the volume of metrics being collected. In general, Prometheus is not extremely resource-intensive, and it can run on machines with moderate CPU capacity.

Memory (RAM):
The memory requirements depend on the size of the dataset and the number of time series being stored. As a starting point, having a few gigabytes of RAM is often sufficient for small to medium-sized deployments. Larger deployments may require more memory.

For more detailed information, refer to the Prometheus documentation

What are the common use cases for Prometheus?

Prometheus is a powerful open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit designed for reliability and scalability. It is widely used in various IT environments to monitor and observe systems and applications. Common use cases for Prometheus include:

Infrastructure monitoring, application monitoring, container orchestration platforms, microservices monitoring, alerting and notifications, dynamic service discovery, resource utilization monitoring, network monitoring, custom metrics collection, Grafana integration, and DevOps and site reliability engineering (SRE).

What are popular alternatives to Prometheus?

Here are some notable alternatives to Prometheus:

InfluxDB, Grafana Cloud, Elasticsearch (with Beats and Logstash), Datadog, Prometheus Operator (for Kubernetes), Zabbix, Sysdig Monitor, New Relic, Dynatrace, Nagios, Graphite, and Graylog.

How does Prometheus differ from other monitoring toolkits?

Here’s a breakdown of how Prometheus stands out:

Prometheus excels in its pull-based data collection, multi-dimensional data model, powerful query language, and open-source nature. Its scalability, cloud-native integration, and community support make it a robust choice for diverse monitoring needs. It might not be the easiest option for beginners or cloud-based setups, and some features like APM require additional tools.

Differences from other options:
Datadog: Cloud-based, SaaS model with built-in dashboards and APM features, easier to use but pricier than Prometheus.
Zabbix: Server-based, comprehensive monitoring across infrastructure, applications, and networks, but steeper learning curve compared to Prometheus.
Grafana: Visualization platform, requires a separate data source for actual monitoring, focuses on presentation and analysis.
InfluxDB: Time series database, focuses on efficient data storage and analysis, not built-in monitoring functionalities like Prometheus.

What query language does Prometheus use?

Prometheus uses a powerful and flexible query language called PromQL (Prometheus Query Language). It’s specifically designed for working with time-series data, such as the metrics that Prometheus collects from your infrastructure and applications.

Why should I choose Kamatera for Prometheus hosting?

Here’s why Kamatera stands out as the most compelling option for Prometheus hosting:

Cutting-edge hardware: Kamatera leverages Intel Xeon Platinum processors and NVMe SSD storage, guaranteeing exceptional performance for your solution.

Global network reach: With 21 data centers strategically located across four continents, Kamatera provides low-latency access to your server, regardless of your users’ geographical locations. This minimizes lag and ensures consistent performance for geographically distributed teams.

Elastic infrastructure: Kamatera’s infrastructure seamlessly scales to accommodate your growing needs. You can easily add or remove resources on-demand, without downtime or performance bottlenecks. 

Industry-leading security measures: Kamatera prioritizes security by implementing data encryption, access control mechanisms, vulnerability scanning, and compliance with industry standards like PCI DSS and SOC 2.

24/7 Support: Kamatera’s dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter with your Prometheus hosting.