How to Deploy an OPNSense Firewall on Kamatera

OPNSense is one of the most popular open-source firewall and routing platforms. It’s known for its flexibility, robust features, and ease of use. OPNSense is based on FreeBSD, which provides advanced security features such as intrusion detection, VPN, traffic shaping, and monitoring. By deploying OPNSense on the Kamatera cloud platform, you can:

Let’s go through the steps to deploy an OPNSense Firewall using Kamatera’s service image.


  1. Enter your credentials to access the Kamatera management console and click Login.

Kamatera console screenshot


2. Navigate to My Cloud on the left-hand side and select Servers. On the left-hand side navigation menu, click on Create New Server, or use the Create New Server button on the right-hand side.



3. Choose zone from the following options:

Depending on the zone you select, the available countries will be displayed. 

For this example, we selected the Asia server domain.



4. Choose an image:

Kamatera offers a variety of app and server images to help users set up preconfigured resources. Users can explore the following options: 

5. Choose Service Images and select OPNSense.


6. In Choose Version, select the latest version of OPNSense Firewall. 



7. Upon selecting the version, OPNSense URL, Username, and Password are displayed.



8. Toggle the Detailed view button to ‘ON’ to view the detailed description, including the price.


9. Choose Server Specs:

Note: Type- B (General), CPU- 2, RAM- 8 GB, SSD DISC#1- 80 GB are selected. You can toggle the Daily Backup and Management Services button to ‘ON.’



Field Description
Type Type B-General Purpose: Server CPU are assigned to a dedicated physical CPU thread with reserved resources guaranteed.

Type DDedicated: Server CPU are assigned to a dedicated physical CPU Core (2 threads) with reserved resources guaranteed.    

Type T-Burst: Server CPU are assigned to a dedicated physical CPU thread with reserved resources guaranteed. Exceeding an average usage of 10% will be extra charged for CPUs usage consumption.

Type A-Availability: Server CPUs are assigned to a non-dedicated physical CPU thread with no resources guaranteed.

Note: More information on CPU types is available on the My Cloud Pricing page.

CPU Choose the number of vCPUs that will be installed on the server. Type B/T can be configured with up to 104 vCPUs per server. Based on Intel’s latest Xeon Processors, 2.7 GHz+.
RAM Choose the amount of RAM that will be installed on the server. Type B/T/D can be configured with up to 512GB RAM per server. 
SSD DISK Choose SSD Storage Size. You can add up to 15 SSD Disk. SSD Storage includes unlimited IOPS and unlimited storage bandwidth, free of charge.
Daily backup Toggle the switch to enable extended daily backups of your server’s storage to external backup storage.
Managed services Toggle the switch to enable managed services to the server’s operating system by the technical support team.



10. Choose Networking:

Simple mode:



Field Description
Public Internet Network         Check to connect the server to a network interface connected to Public Internet Network.
Private Local Network Check to connect the server to a network interface connected to Private Local Network.

  Advanced mode:



You can add network by clicking on +Add Network.

Field Description
NIC #1 Select WAN from the options available in the drop-down menu.

  • WAN
  • LAN
  • New LAN

Select auto from the options available in the drop-down menu. 

  • Auto
  • Network

Select auto from the options available in the drop-down menu.

  • Auto 
  • IP
WAN Traffic          Select 5000 GB per month on 10 Gbit per second port.


11. Advanced configuration:

Hide: to hide the advanced configuration. 

Show: to see the advanced configuration.



Field Description
Install Script Enter the script here to execute once the server is created.

Note: For Windows system use Power Shell. 

Keep Server On Failure     Do not terminate server if start up script or provisioning fails
Server Notes Enter any server notes to be noted.
Tags Select the tags from the drop-down menu and click Add.


12. Finalize Settings:

Finalize settings by setting the password, re-validating it, selecting the number of servers, specifying the server’s name, and enabling the Power On Servers option.




Field Description
Password Select password 

Password allowed characters: a-z, A-Z,0-9 !@#$^&*()~ and must need the following requirements:

  • At least 14 characters
  • At most 32 characters
  • At least one lowercase character
  • At least one upper case character
  • At least one number
  • Includes allowed characters only
Validate Re-enter the password to validate.
Servers Select the number of servers the user wants.
Name # 1 Enter the name of the server.
Power On Servers Switch on the toggle button to see the details.


13. Billing Cycle and Pricing:

Once the user enters the details in Finalize Settings, they can select either monthly or hourly billing. After choosing the billing cycle, click on CREATE SERVER.




Note: The Server Summary displays the location, operating system (including server specifications), add-on services, servers, and pricing.


14. The server will be added to the Tasks Queue.



15. Once the server is created, you will see the status as success. The server will appear under Server Management. Click Open, and a new screen will open.



16. On the right side, the overview of Windows Server that you just created is displayed. 

Click CONNECT, and a new screen will open.



17. In the new screen, under the 




18. A new tab opens, connecting to the new server displaying LAN, WAN, and other details. Login with username and password and hit Enter.



Now, the firewall is in live environment. We can interact with the live environment using the local console, HTTPS or SSH.

You can login to the shell using the username (go to step-17, to see username) and password (that is entered when you created a server) to operate the live environment via the local console.

The GUI is accessible at (that is LAN) using username and password.

Using SSH, we can access the firewall at IP

19. The console menu shows 13 options. From 0 to 13, enter an option and configure the system according to your requirements.



OPNsense has a command line interface (CLI) tool called “opnsense-update”. By entering option 8) Shell from the menu, the user can get to the shell and use opnsense-update.


Command: man opnsense-update



The other method to update the system is via console option 12) Update from console.



You can even assign interfaces by selecting option 1) Assign interfaces.



Ping the host by selecting 7) Ping host and enter your IP address.




What is shown on the Dashboard can be configured by adding and removing widgets. Some widgets also allow further configuration.

By default, the following widgets are present:

System Information: Shows information about the installed OPNsense version, updates etc.

Memory: Shows memory usage.

Disk: Shows disk usage.

CPU: Shows CPU usage.

Gateways: Shows used gateways.

Interface Statistics: Shows the number of packets, bytes and errors handled by each interface.

Firewall: Collects logged events from the moment the dashboard has loaded to represent a snapshot of what the firewall is currently seeing. Can be expanded to show a live log.

Traffic Graph: Shows traffic passing through the system.

Edit dashboard (pencil icon): Enter edit mode. Unlocks the dashboard temporarily so you can move, resize, remove, or configure widgets.

Add widget (plus icon): Opens a dialog window with a list of widgets that can be added to the Dashboard. Simply click on an entry in the list to add it to the Dashboard.

Restore default layout (widgets icon): Restores the dashboard to its default configuration discarding all your modifications.

Save: After editing the dashboard, you can make all changes persistent by clicking this button. Otherwise, the changes will be discarded as soon as you reload the page.

Edit (pencil icon): Click this to modify the widget settings. This button is only present if the widget is configurable.

Remove (cross icon): Removes the widget from the Dashboard.



The Disk Usage widget shown as diagram will change to table mode when the widget is enlarged to at least two rows.



Even for the Firewall diagram, when its size is one row, it shows less information.


Enlarging this firewall widget to three rows will turn into table mode and firewall log.



And that’s it! Congratulations, you have succesfully deployed an OPNSense Firewall using Kamatera.

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